Friday, July 3, 2015

Fight Lyme: Like A Girl - DAY TWO

Day two:
Remember the other day I wrote about walking down the long hallway at CHHRC after my first #Train Like A Girl workout with jello legs? Well, the jello quickly turned into ooooh sooooo sore quads! But the good sore! The kind where you know that it was a RESULTS driven workout!

For day two, I had just finished my fourth IV treatment with Dr. Molly at the Cherry Hill Clinic. She had mixed up my treatment a bit and gave me an additional treatment for my fatigue. I asked her if it was okay for me to workout after my treatment and her response was, "ABSOLUTELY! I recommend it!" So, off I went!

Liz wanted to focus more on the upper body (thank goodness!) and continue to develop core and flexibility. My training partner today was Noelle Smith who plays Lacrosse at Trinity College. Needless to say, Noelle put me to shame not only with her increased weight in EVERY exercise, but she flew through the drills like a Pro! With each exercise, I started to feel a bit more comfortable with getting back into the fitness world. Muscles really do have memory!

I mentioned to Liz that I was nervous to push myself too hard during these workouts, because with Lyme Disease one of my biggest symptoms is DEBILITATING fatigue. Fatigue is a common word, doesn't mean much to anyone any more - but debilitating fatigue is when you physically can not perform your day to day functions. Over the past two years, doing simple tasks around the house would often result in me being laid up for days. So, when I'm 3/4 of the way through a rep, I had to ask myself if I should really push through it, risking bad form and a possible Lyme relapse, or do I just take a break. Well - there's a reason I'm working with a trainer, right?! She knows the answers to these questions! The program Liz has me doing requires lighter weights, with more reps (three - four) so that I can take those breaks. Not only does Liz have her Masters of Science in Exercise Science, she also was a five year, three season athlete that competed at Division 2 level! With her own experience with numerous injuries, she is extremely passionate about working with female athletes, specifically in the area of strength and technique to avoid those injuries!

Whether you're a collegiate athlete like Noelle or a plain old wife and mom of four like me, a strong core is very important. Liz has me doing several different exercises to strengthen my core. Here's me doing a Three Point Russian Twist. This is something you can do at home, in the office or at the gym:

Interested in trying this or any other exercises to get you back to the shape you want to be in? Try any of our CHHRC classes or Parisi Programs. No matter what fitness level - we have the right class for you!  Check out our website for more information! 

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