Friday, July 10, 2015

Fighting the Flare Up!

This was the first time I struggled even motivate myself to #TRAIN LIKE A GIRL. I had just finished my weekly treatment at Cherry Hill Clinic but instead of feeling energetic and inspired - I was whiny, mopey and sluggish. One of the things I've learned during my Lyme Fight is that when the Lyme bacteria and Co-infections are flaring up, my body rejects everything. Linda, my nurse at Cherry Hill Clinic, was having a tough time getting any of my veins to cooperate; the shots I'd been receiving for energy seemed to have zero effect this time; and when it was time to draw blood, my veins just stopped working. Linda said this is very common for Lyme patients when they're having a flare up. It's like our bodies are actually rebelling. 

This theme seemed to carry through to my workout as well. I was a little more sluggish than usual and although I feel the GOOD sore today, last night I was laid up for most of the night, unable to do things for myself. It was a bit discouraging, but this is a learning process. Just like anything else, I can't learn from the experience, if I don't try. 

Take away for today: The next time I have a Lyme flare up, I will take a break from training and allow my body to rest. 

Today, I'm still #fighting with headaches, arthritis pain, back pain (not the good kind) and exhaustion. But, this flare up is temporary . . . however,  what is is NOT temporary, is my will to #fight and win! That is permanent! 

So, no matter what you're dealing with today, decide for yourself if you're going to push forward and learn from it or if you're going to give up. If you're ready to push forward with me, come to CHHRC and we can #fight together! 

Tuesday, July 14th is FREE Guest Day at CHHRC! Come workout with a friend and you both have the chance to win $500! Check it out!

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