Friday, July 17, 2015

Running the Race Against Lyme Disease

I walked into the Cherry Hill Clinic yesterday and before I could even see anyone, I heard, "Lisa, sit down and talk to me about what's going on." Dr. Molly wanted to hear all about my week before she blended my IV bag (aka my Lyme Juice).  She already knew about my fatigue, but I also shared with her my brain fog issues, back/neck pain, as well as the new joint pain. "You're going to feel great when I'm finished with you today!" she says.

Any of my fellow Lymies will agree with me, that when someone makes a statement like that, you're a bit skeptical. I haven't felt great in two years . . . . we'll see. So, I sat and chatted with other patients about what bring us to the Cherry Hill Clinic as my body was filled with Dr. Molly's special Lyme Juice. An hour later, I headed back to work at Cherry Hill Health & Racquet Club to finish up my day and #TRAINLIKEAGIRL with Liz.

I made my way back to Parisi, feeling a bit motivated and ready for a killer workout. Unfortunately, Liz was out sick (get better soon, Liz!). Back to my office I went, wondering what to do with all of this so-called energy I was going to have.

I texted my husband and asked him what he thought about going on a family jog later that night. He was skeptical. I always have good intentions . . . but that's usually all they are - intentions. But I don't know if it was that second cup of coffee or the Lyme Juice, but all of a sudden around 3:00 pm I was over come with energy. I flew through my work at the office, actually turned the radio up pretty loud in the car (it's usually on super quiet because of the constant headaches) and sang along to my favorite songs on the way home.

When I got into the house, I ran right up to hubby, gave him a hug and kick, then started launching round house kicks at him. Round house kicks are the true tell-tale sign that I'm feeling better! I'm a kickboxer! After dinner, I bounced on the trampoline with the kids for awhile (sticking my back tucks every time, I might add!) and then we did it . . .  we went for a family jog!

For our first family jog, my daughter suggested we leave the chihuahua at home, because there are always a lot of dogs at the park (he doesn't play well with others). So, I can't claim that I out-ran my dog, but I can brag that I totally out-ran my 9 year old daughter AND kept up with my 9 year old son on his bike! Thanks to Dr. Molly and my #TRAINLIKEAGIRL trainer Liz, I feeling amazing!

If you are struggling with any ailment, whether it's Lyme Disease, like me, Fibromyalgia, MS or even the every day stresses of life, don't let another day go by without doing something about it. Call Dr. Molly today for a free consultation and come into CHHRC for a free 21 Day pass - it's time to get back into the game! I'll race you to the top!

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